> Faqs > Extra Field form register user
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Extra Field form register user

hello I need a help. I have a New User Registration form and I am requesting to be able to add an extra field before the Name.

The developers of the plugin (unCanny) only provide me with a code that I must insert. They recommend that this action should be done by someone with php knowledge.

I pass them, here what they tell me:

Part 1:

Please download and replace them at the following paths:

  • users-table-actions.php = wp-content/plugins/uncanny-learndash-groups/src/templates/frontend-uo_groups/
  • rest-api-end-points.php = wp-content/plugins/uncanny-learndash-groups/src/classes/helpers/
  • class-group-management-helpers.php = wp-content/plugins/uncanny-learndash-groups/src/classes/group-management/

Once done, you can use the following actions to add and use additional fields.

// Before add and invite form fields do_action( 'ulgm_before_add_invite_form_fields', $group_id, $this );

// After add and invite form fields do_action( 'ulgm_after_add_invite_form_fields', $group_id, $this );

//The action runs after the user is invited to the group. $user_data has a user_id key that stores the new user ID do_action( 'ulgm_group_user_invited', $user_data, $group_id, $order_id );

This part, replace what they say.


Part 2:


  • Add field */ add_action( 'ulgm_before_add_invite_form_fields', function ( $group_id, $_this ) { ?> <div class="uo-row"> <label for="my-custom-field"> <div class="uo-row__title"> Field label </div> </label> <input class="uo-input" required="required" type="text" name="my_custom_field" id="my-custom-field" value=""> </div> <?php }, 99, 2 );


  • Save the value */ add_action( 'ulgm_group_user_invited', function ( $user_data, $group_id, $order_id ) { if ( ! isset( $user_data['user_id'] ) ) { return; } $user_id = absint( $user_data['user_id'] ); $my_custom_field = isset( $_POST['my_custom_field'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_POST['my_custom_field'] ) : ''; update_user_meta( $user_id, 'my_custom_field', $my_custom_field ); }, 99, 3


Here, here, I don't know, what to do? Can somebody help me?


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